Visiting your dentist on a regular basis is an essential part of maintaining your overall health. Getting a dental cleaning every six months helps prevent disease, plus it keeps your smile looking its best. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 63% of adults scheduled a visit to their dentist in 2021. Routine dental care provides more than just clean teeth and a bright smile. You might not be aware of some of the other benefits of regularly scheduled dental checkups.
In addition to your routine cleaning process, the dentist will also physically examine your mouth. This examination helps detect any early signs of gum disease or cancer in your mouth and throat. Dentists may even be able to detect heart disease with gum examinations. The dentist will be able to observe if there is a need for local tooth repair by observation and using radiographs.
If you're experiencing sudden tooth pain, it's important to get checked out immediately since it could be a situation requiring
local tooth repair. If you bite down on something hard and crack a tooth or an old filling becomes damaged, it can result in a painful condition requiring emergency dental repair. With regularly scheduled visits, a dentist can notice potential problem areas before they develop into an emergency.
Regular dental cleanings keep your teeth looking cleaner and brighter and help you stay healthier. During a routine cleaning, the dental hygienist will scrape tartar buildup and remove any surface stains. The final steps in the cleaning process are polishing and flossing. Fluoride treatments can also be applied to help make your teeth stronger.
Scheduling dental appointments every six months will help catch issues before they worsen, resulting in more costly repairs. Local tooth repair involving a cavity filling will be less expensive than a root canal or tooth extraction. According to our experts, root canals and crowns are some of the costliest tooth repairs, running upwards of $1,200 per tooth.
Dental problems can lead to other health issues if not corrected quickly. Scheduling routine dental visits will help you stay healthier and save money in the long run. Be proactive and schedule your dental appointments every six months. Don't wait to call us today at Southridge Dental!